When i first made this website, i knew that one of the first things i wanted was some sort of diary/blog page. So that's what this is! Most of these are imported from other... legacy pages. [Very bad coding i dont want to deal with anymore} but its all here now!!
Everything is organized on this one page by months. The updates here are few and far between but have fun looking through my life!!
hello! I don't know how often i'm relaistically gonna update this diary in particular. To be honest it feels like im cheating on my actual handheald written diary. But i've been wanting to have a digital version for like years now. And seriously speaking, the process of digitizing four whole books and roughly 500 pages of handwritten content spanning over five years is so daunting it's something i'm never gonna be able to accomplish.
I'm gonna have to format this whole thing later which is gonna be an experience for sure... like. On my old website I was able to like center some things and make a few div tags but on here the thought of making a whole thing is kinda scary to me. I seriously don't know man, I dont even know how to change the font yet :(. Although I did manage to change the
of my text! (That was a pain, but now I learned how to change the color of individual characters!)
Origionally I was gonna have my whole website be like a earthy cottagecore boho theme, since that's more my aesthetic in real life. (I mean, just look at my
Pintrest ) But i thought that the space sparkle theme looked cooler. Maybe I can make this page all green and stuff but leave my other pages in the space theme since this is like my own personal space. Although this whole website is made to be my own personal space so I dont even know. I want to add more blinkies and stickers to this page in the future too so that it really resembles like one of my real diaries. I was on another website, i forget who's but they had like whole different pages for different months and omg,,,,, it looked so good. ughhhh i have so many ideas and I don't even know how to execute any of them yet. I guess that's another reason why i'm making this website in the first place. To imporve my knowledge of html and basically impress my teacher at school with my code prowess, that's like it. And the other kids too i guess but do they really even matter. We use Adobe Dreamweaver in that class which is all fancy . It gives you a lot more to work with then Neocities and it like makes more sense to a begginer i guess. It's all just little stuff like having a live display window, color pickers when using css, little drop down menues for the files n stuff etc. Although I guess that's just what you get when you're paying to use Adobe products . My school pays for them for me though so i dont really care #taxpayer money. okay goodbye !
Hii tday im remaking my wholeeeee page. Im actually typing this n google docs rn bcause my whole website is dysfunctional. Im in my coding class rn and they are teaching me how to use iframes and divs,,,,,, okay bestie whatev. I should update my like uhh log? Update log.
Hi guess guess who. Its me mothalas. I still don’t have a place to write so im back in google docs…. Im working on my page for february rn but its what it is. Uhhh okay. Im watching supernatural in my IDM class and writing and cosing at the same time since i finished my project. I should make a page on spn because i love it so much… maybe write my thoughts on like each episode as i watch. That would be fin to go back too i think. I just started 4x11 now so…. Like 11.5 seasons left!! Im basically there lets be so fr.
I can not, for the life of me, figure out how to make all the columns uniform in width. I don;t know man I just want to make a tribut for bestie Amphibifish's birthday but nooo that makes the day 10000px wide. Ugh. Tommorow I have off from school thanks to good friday and my dad is working 12 hours so I will be doing a whopping zero things. I have a lot of homework to get done though, like a science lab and math homework i think and two midterms to study for and actually so much but it's okay, i'd rather work on neocities.
I like writing in here now that i'm out of google docs. It's like i'm making my own corner of the world to thrive in. i love my little ecosystem. Omg i'm watching supernatural rn and castiel is on screen sorry i need to take a break. Sorry i will forever be a cas girl. I may have only met him 16 episodes ago but hes probably my favorite character. Idk. I relate the most to sam probably though. I should make my spn page at some point... however i will probably make April first. Like i only have 3ish days left of this month. Tbh it is tecnically the 29th today, but it's 2am and i havent gone to sleep yet today so. Thats the rules that I follow on my handheald diary so thats what im sticking with here. The only days that those rules DONT apply is on my birthday. Because usually I have a lot of thoughts in the early hours of my birthday so. But that's not for another like 6ish months or something.
My uh. I can't figure out how to accurately indent my stuff. I need to do that to febuary as well tbh, like i love my little sidebar but its so annoying because the default alignment doesn't wor. And I hate the way that center align looks for this, it's not quite what I'm going for. Soo idek.
bro why is minecraft launcher open and why can i not close it help. This must be a sign from above that i have to play minecraft right now. I actually don't even want to. I almost always play video games on my own i dont even know why i don't want to play with my friends anymore. Not even just minecraft it's fortnight aswell :(. I just can't deal with it. Sad.
Today i went to bed at like 5am and woke up at 11:30. Despite my late start to the day I actually got a lot done. When I first woke up I was kinda just chilling when bestie fish started posting on tumblr about how they want to be able to code like me and ofc I was honored but like.... my website is lowkey fucked rn. Reguardless I gave them a tutorial on some stuff I have learned in school. (They don't take my coding class with me soo.) Please excuse the apperence of their website. It used to look good but they purged the entire thing today so like.
After that i watched a youtube video where this girl Digitized her whole closet and i was like.. omg that's so cool.. I should do that. So then I did that for a little white. I went through my clothes and I have a decent ammout of stuff in my digital closet now so thats fun. I made the cutest outfit in the whole world. Floral flowy maxi skirt, ribbed tight tank top, brown laced lofars. You get the picture. It was so good but I didnt actually have anywhere to go so I went on a walk around my neighborhood. I'm so glad that it's like actually spring now because it's warm enough so that I can go out on my sunset walks again but it's not so hot that i'm sweating the entire time. March april and june are like the best three months weather wise, locally anyway. October is also really good.
I really need to get my science assignent done because even though it's the weekend since eveything is online now it's due today. Which is so stupid but whatevrrr. Maybe i'll just do a little bit of coding...... just a little bit okay... it can wait it's only like 9pm and it's due at 11:59. We will be fine trust.
Today it is easter. Enjoy this graphic I made for the occasion.
today i dieded :(. GET APRIL FOOLED!! HAHA!! right now im in idm and watching supernatural as per usual. We are supposed to be working on our project but im still finished with it so like. our next project is like a point and click cute adventure game. we are working with multiple pages oooOOHHHHhhoOOOHhhHh scaryyyyyyy. thats so scary how do you make more then one page?? on a website?? i really am thinking about doing a web design competiton next year. that would be so fun. but my friends in this class are like more game design aligned. Like i was offered to join a game design team but like... i don't really want to so. But you need to have a pair of people to compete and idk anyone who is interested in web design who im friends with......... wink wink nudge nudge.
I just woke up from a bery strange dream. But i can't really tlk about it beause it had like eveyone i've ever spoken too and all my lovd ones in this dream. I don't even know why but there was everyone heere so whatever. Anyway,
Yesterday after school i was just hanging out withmy friends while we waited to like go home or whatever and i acccidently left my phone outside of my school and i was like.... wtf. Because I always check my pockets for my keys and my phone. No matter where I do i make sure I have that stuff. But it was weird because when I did that I felt my phone. It was actually just a CALCULATOR???? ugh. But when I got home I checked find my iphone on my ipad and it said it was still at the school. So i walked back thinking that maybe some kindhearted soul left it in the office for me thank yuu. but when. i got there i checked find my iphone again and it was driving down a road away from me.... oh np... So i put it in lost mode so that they could see a mesage and a contact. My dad was at work but I put down his number and the girl who had my phone called him. And i just got a call today and... she juist dropped it off!! yay!! i may also at some point try and find "my" left airpod. (there are so many airpods in that lost and found. like actual cases full of them its kind of crazy). But anyway, my plan is that i'm gonna go get ready, find my phone, and then like walk to dairy queen for lunch and work on some web assets while i'm there. That's my epic plan for today.
Hey yall took a little break but we are so back. For today at least. I just came back from april break and omg... i'm basically done with school at this point. Six more weeks and then I am free for the best summer in the world. I have my hopes up so high but ugh, everything has been so good for me lately i really just think that this is gonna be a great summer. I deserve it after the absolute disater that was last summer.... Like I had all these plans to travel and do all this fun stuff and hang out with friends stc etc BUT THEN I BROKE MY LEG. IN THREE PLACES. ON THE SECOND TO LAST DAY OF SCHOOL HIVSFYIDVKBOSIEUK. pisses me off tbh. But anyway the money that was going to my trip was most;ly saved., p>
Okay well i may or may not have forgotten about this. Uhm! But we are back on the website and back up to speed lol> And everything is red right now because red works for like every season. Accept for summer but by summer i dont think i will be feeling red anynore so it all will be changed reguardless.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING BTW!!! Today is thanksgiving if you didnt know. Omg i should make a thanksgiving graphic like the easter graphic. wait... what if i put like little seasonal border stickers around the month dividers. that would be so cute. I will be finding turkeys and things on the onternet hold on
THIS ANIME GIRL AND THE BORDER GIF IS LITERALLY THE ONLY THING I COULD FIND WTF. we need more thanksgiving web assets in this world!!!
Today it is christmas time :) yay!
Today is heather day. NOT yay because I am yet to have a sweater. Every year it seems like that song hits closer to home. however much it doesnt fir my current music taste it still hits hard. Unfortunately. Cause i literally do still remember 3rd of december me in your sweater you said it looked better on me then it did you only if you knew how much i liked you but i watch your eyes as she walks by :(
Yesterday was december 11th. And if you don't know, december 11th is like a personal holiday to me. I started noticing this pattern in 2021, when my kitten jasper passed away from a brain tumor. It really broke me at least a little bit. And ever since then December 11th has always just been a date in the back of my mind. Like in 2022 it was a special day because I literally snuck out of my house at like 9am to go hang out with this guy in a graveyard after staying up all night with him on the phone and it was literally the first snow of the year and he was in my jacket and like. It really took my mind off the fact that it was the anniversery to a really horrible event in my life. And last year 2023 was like. There wasn't any one specific event, there was just a lot of life developments THAT I CANT DISCLOSE BECAUSE SO MANY IRLS HAVE ACCESS TO THIS WEBPAGE AND READ IT. grumblr. uhm anyway!! yesterday wasn't really SUPER eventful either. like it was fun. it was a basic day in my life
it DID rain a lot though. Wtf. 4 inches of rain. for what reason. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN SNOWINGGG. if this was snow then my life would have been so much better because i just wouldnt have been in school at all and i would be building snow men rn and all would be well. But no, instead it had to rain and like the wind was insaneee. But we are lowkey in a drought a little bit. But when you live in the northeast USA droughts dont mean turning all your water off and living a misrible life of 2 minute showers, its like. Rivers are a little bit lower then before and maybe some of your plants outside that you forgot about start dying. I would rather it snow is what im saying lol.
Guys it is 2025!!!! I mean it has been for like over a month now uhm... SORRYYY!!! But im here now!! In 10 days it will be valentines day which is like such a major yay. Not because i have a lover or a valentine and im excited to be cute and in love and go on dates etc. But because im going to Miami on that day!! Who needs love when you have expensive trips to tropical destinations #golddigger. And its not like im staying in Miami im actually going on a cruise that goes to like Honduras and two ports in Mexico. And even though I actually went to Mexico for like the whole Febuary break last year this time its like im going to the ports. And Cozumel is such a different experience comapared to Cancun.
I sound like such a spoiled brat whenever I talk about my trips and travels and stuff. Because for so many people its such an outlandish thing to travel multiple times a year and like even go on a plane ever. But im not rich like thaaat i just have 1 family member in my whole life so its so easy to buy for me and him vs like a family of 5. And like i work and i contribute to groceries and stuff so even though i barely make 10k a year it like makes a dent in things.
Its so strange because i grew up dirt poor. Like my mom had 0 money ever and the finances were all in shit and half the experiences that i have had were such a pipe dream. But now that i switched the parent i live with im balling out here. Like last year i went to ITALY!! Such a dream trip for so many people. And its starnge because in my early childhood we had 0 money and i was shockingly aware of our finances. And then when it was between households I was still living like I had nothing, because I did have nothing. But now in hindsight I can see that all our money was actually going to places that werent exactly financially responsible anyway. Whoopsies!!
But like being put into my dads care full time was such a culture shock for me when i was younger because i had money for the first time. And i didnt have to feel bad for asking for things and getting gifts. And like. I don't know if im actually rich like that or if its just good responsible parenting. I mean he makes just over 100k a year, and we live well below our means still. But people get sick very often. There have been just too many emergencies recently. Like my dad had to get his gaulbladder removed and was in the hospital for a week for various complecations. And my cat coco had to be put down about a week and a half ago, but they did like x-rays and gave her shots and stuff and that was like another thousand dollars because vet buills are insane. And thats why she died, we didnt have money for her surgery to be done. And even if we did, it might have not worked right and she could have been sick for the rest opf her life. And i didnt want that. And my dad is also in like electroshock therapy for his foot. Because he has plantafacitus so he walks more on his heels, but since he walks on his heels more those hurt like hell so now he needs that to be fixed too because he had pain walking around. So thats another 800$. And its like.Its been a really shit year so far. So all im hoping is that maybe in a week all can be remedied on this god damn cruise ship and i can have a good time and finish out my semester and go to competition and finish the school year and then i can go to cambodia. Thats all i want. Just get me to cambodia atp and then i will figure everything else out after.
once again working on the neocities in spanish class. I really should work on this at home because i have so many good assets that I saved to my pc but just never went through with uploading. I should also work on more pages that. yk arent the diary. Like a homepage would do me good maybe. Like its probably top priority. but i could always make a severance page.... sorry i always have these dreams of making dedicated pages to whatever my interests currently are but like i never stay interested in either HTML or whatever show it is. HOWEVER! this time i NEED to lock in on my html. Look forward to an absolute site glowup over the next like week or so. Because as previously discussed... im not here febuary break so like... idk.
Infinate asset glitch unlocked omg
hi guys